Our sweet Schuyler had a good and not good, but not super bad day today.
First; the not good, not super bad - he had quite a few Brady's today (bradycardia - where heart rate and breathing rate goes down), and his oxygen had to be turned up a bit. They give him caffeine to help with this, and all the nurses basically said that he will do this until he is closer to 35 weeks. So this isn't super bad news.
The good news is that our tough guy is handling his food very well. They have added a human fortifier to my breast milk to help boost up the calories. His little tummy seems to be digesting better and better, and he's even had several poopy diapers (I got to change one today :)) They told me today that he's getting enough nutrition from his food, so they are going to be able to stop the IV assistance, and take the pic line out of his head. Yea!
I was also very impressed with my little man today, as he was lying on his belly and lifting his little head up already! He's proven time and time again that although tiny, he's quite tough. He was also sucking on his little binky today, which was so cute. I tried to get a video, but it didn't really work. Anyway, pretty good day. He seems to change and grow each day. So blessed. :) Grateful to my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.
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