Monday, June 13, 2011

Half Marathon and 5K

Saturday was Greg's first official half-marathon. Greg's company was sponsering the event, and they were able to get Greg into the race. I was planning on doing it with him, but the race was sold out when I tried to register. So I signed up for the 5k instead. Greg did very well, and finished the 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 35 minutes! He got this medal for finishing in under three hours.

Haha, he is so hot! I wished so much that I would have brought my camera on the race day. Grr, oh well. He put the medal back on after church so that I could take a pic.

I decided that since I was only doing the tiny 5k, then I was going to try to push it really hard. I finished in 35 min and 45 seconds. That is a whole 5 minutes faster than my previous time! I was very happy with that. They also had a huge finish line with people lined up and screaming at you as you come in. It felt awesome. I noticed that the girl in front of me started going faster, and I thought, I'm going to beat her! She I started going faster, and then she started going faster, and then I passed her! Haha, take that! Afterwards, Greg and I ate popscicles, and cheered on other racers. It was such a fun day. We both left feeling like a million bucks.

We were talking about how different things are from last year. When we were getting ready for our first 5k, I was a bit freaked out because it was a whole 3 miles. This year a 5k is the kiddy race. lol. I was also really inspired by some of the runners that we watched afterward. There were many full-marathon runners who were probably in their 60s and 70s. I hope that is me in 40 years.

This weekend was also my family camping trip. We went up Springville canyon this year, and it was a beautiful campsite. We ate good food, played games, and talked a lot. It was a great little weekend. Well, I'm off to run 14 miles, and wash the campfire smell out of my clothes. Later!


  1. You are my HERO kat! I am seriously in awe of you!!! I have always wanted to be a runner but hate running with a passion. I need you to come kick my butt in gear, lol!

  2. You guys are awesome, that is so cool!!
