Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Awesome Weekend

Last weekend was action-packed for me and Greg. We ran in the Rex Lee 5k and Saturday, and we both did pretty good. Greg ran it in just over 30 minutes and I made it in 40:24. I am a bit disappointed with my time, but it's a whole 4 1/2 minutes better than our first 5k last year, so it's all good. (p.s. One of my college professors was there. She is 63, and I only beat her by 10 seconds... :( haha ) We also found out that we have not been running three miles everyday like we thought. We both agreed that the 5k felt a lot longer than what we were used to. One our way home we drove the trail and set the odometer to see what we were really doing. It turns out we were doing 2.25 miles. haha, not quite 3. ....whatever a 5k is. This means we are way off schedule for the half-marathon. Oh well though, we are going to have to bump it up a bit.

After the run we went to Cracker Barrel to eat breakfast. Have I told you how much I love Cracker Barrel?! It is my very favorite! Anyway, there was this one tiny table in the corner were Greg and I ate when he came to Utah in July (Almost 5 years ago! yikes!). For the first time since then, we were sat at that table. We talked about memories as we shared some delicious blueberry pancakes. It was a great day.

On Sunday we got to go to Abby's baby blessing. (Matt and Brit's baby) It was such a sweet day. Then we got to go eat pulled-pork sandwiches (another of my favs!), and cookies. Greg and I have been trying to lay-off the sugar, but did very poorly this weekend. It was lots of fun!

Then we went to our neighbor's house for "Game Night". haha, it turned into talking about politics, history, and documentaries night instead, which was even better! We had tons of fun just chatting it up, and then had fresh brownies covered in ice cream, chocolate/carmel, and nuts. oh man, delicious! (like I said, we didn't do so hot resisting the sugar this weekend.)

We are so glad to have such good friends. Other than that, Greg is doing great in his class, and work is going ok right now. We both can't wait to get him out of that job, but we are grateful that he has it. I start field in a 1st grade classroom in provo on Monday. I also just signed up for the service-learning program, which means a whole lot of volunteering, and I have to come up with a major service project. I will be needing help with that sometime in the next year...remember how much you all love me. :) Haha, anyway, I am going to be spending most of my volunteer time with project read, and working with Utah Foster Care, so it will probably be something along those lines. I am also trying to get into BYU for the summer. UVU doesn't offer the classes that you need to get a minor in ESL, but BYU does. I didn't know that you had to have a bishop and a stake president's interview in order to be accepted. It was so funny, I went and talked to my bishop about it yesterday and he said, "Why do they have to make it so difficult. I hate BYU!" haha, I don't know why, but it was super funny to me. Anyway, this is a super long post...oopsie. Peace, I'm out!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are SO FREAKIN COOL! I am so super impressed with your 5k! It gives me the prompting I need to get off my butt and work off some of this baby weight. I am so glad you guys were able to make it out to the blessing, it meant a lot to me and Matt. You guys are AMAZING friends and we love ya so much!! As for your service project I hope you know Matt and I are more then willing to help, sign us up!!
